Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Why baby walkers shouldn't be used..

Will baby walker help my baby to learn walking?

No, in fact many studies shows that babies who use a baby walker tend to walk a month later than those who don't.

The reason behind this is that baby walkers don't allow full weight bearing on feet which explains why babies walk on their toes at the early stage of walking. 
So how can that delay the walking process?
First you need to know what are the bad effects of using it..
Using a baby walker can:

1-Delay  motor development by: Causing power  imbalance between lower limb muscles and pelvic muscles, the later will be more weak.

2-Loss of  proprioception sensation as the child won't look down while walking.

3-Increase risk of pelvic subluxation/dislocation

4-Tightness in heel cord

5-Tightness in calf muscles (muscles at the back of knee)

6-Rickets legs

7-Increase  risk of accidents such as, falls or burns.

"In 1999, an estimated 8800 children younger than 15 months were treated in hospital emergency departments in the United States for injuries associated with infant walkers."


Some studies:-

"The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against using walkers not only because they can discourage your child from learning to walk on his own, but also because they can be dangerous. Thousands of babies end up in emergency rooms and doctor's offices from falling down stairs or bumping into furniture while in a walker. Walkers can give parents a false impression that their babies are truly mobile and can control their actions. Some parents even leave their babies alone to navigate their way around the home in a walker."

"Canada banned baby walkers in 2004. Possession of a baby walker can lead to fines up to $100,000 or six months in jail. But in some countries, more than 75 percent of babies still use walkers– and the injuries continue."


But there's always an alternative..!

Modified baby walkers are much better than the traditional one. It helps the baby to learn walking, improve his muscle power and enhance his motor development. 
They are available in the market in a variety of shapes but one thing you need to consider with this kind of baby walker is to  provide a very safe environment for your baby to prevent any falls. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not exactly baby is shouldn't be used. I love this walker. I have been using a baby walker and maintenance some rules. I will just suggest you when baby use a walker for short periods of time, say, half and hour, then let him/her take a break. Using a baby walker is okay. Just make sure you wipe it clean every day. Put proper clothing on your baby, because their, ahem, private parts will be in touch with the fabric of the walker.
    Thanks for your post.

  3. Hi adimn,
    Great thanks for sharing this amazing product! Baby needs this to profit habitat from the hospital, for that excuse its a enjoyable place to begin teaching a toddler to walK.
